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‎Marawi City

Lanao del Sur

located 8.00 latitude and 124.28 longitude and it is situated at elevation 719 meters above sea level.

Philippine Map

Category - Area (Ha)

High - 156.833

Low to Moderate - 1086.185

The Islamic City’s total population comprised of 96 barangays subdivided into five political barangay districts

-District I (29 communities)

-District II (22 communities)

-District III (17 communities)

-District IV (17 communities)

-District V (11 communities)

Barangay Map

Category - Area (Ha)

High - 1987.171

Moderate - 457.296

Low - 5345.50

Susceptibility Map

Category - Area (Ha)

High - 156.833

Low to Moderate - 1086.185

Susceptibility Map

Land Class - Area (Ha)

Alienable & Disposable - 5,092.139

Forestland - 3,314.88

Total - 8,407.027

Land Classification


City Crisis affected

A total of 140,155 residents, representing nearly 70% of this city’s total population are affected

Climate Table

The variation in the precipitation between the driest and wettest months is 224 mm. The variation in temperatures throughout the year is 1.4 °C. The temperatures are highest on average in April, at around 24.0 °C. The lowest average temperatures in the year occur in January, when it is around 22.6 °C.


96% have Islam as religion

4% either Catholic INK Protestants et al

96.18 % speak Meranaw


Average Household Size is 7

Brgy. Daguduban highest population with 7,107, the number of Brgyhousehold is 1,045 with average household size of 6.80

Population density 24 per hectare

Average Income:  PhP 5,000.00-10,000 every month

Change: +1.45%/year 

Median age was 18 years

Children 5 to 9 years old had the largest share to the total population

More women than men


The economy of the city is largely based on agriculture of rice and corn, They also manufacture hollow-blocks; goldsmith and saw milling is equally popular too.


Marawi city flourished as a trading hub. It is once the center of trade and culture in southern Philippines.


Exporting Halal foods, cold storage facilities, oleochemical products, processed foods and apparel, jewelry such as pearls, and cloth weaving.



Marawi City is home to 19.30%

or about one in every five of the total residents of Lanao Del Sur (1,045,429)


This education crisis needs to be addressed urgently to ensure that children do not fall permanently out of the school system. We know that the school is the best place for children to be during conflict, providing an important sense of routine and protection from exploitation and abuse

Education Crisis

There are a few schools but also a lot of students in Marawi City.

15.1% of 1,007 schools in Lanao Del Sur is located at


15.38 %

 or the 60,195 students of Lanao del Sur — elementary and secondary levels –- are from Marawi City.


Public Elementary and Secondary School

Politicization of religion cannot be explained by the ideas of religious doctrines but rather by religious interpretations of politics shaped by state institutions and distribution of power between groups. In addition, the politicization of Islam has not affected so much theology or doctrines. However, it has certainly changed the identifications to the Islamic tradition by mingling it with national belonging.


1.The Nationalization of Islamic Institutions and clerics

2.The  redefinition and reduction of Sharia as well as inclusion of Islamic references into secular legal systems (mostly family Law)

3.The integration of Islamic teaching in public education as part of civic education

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