Marawi City
Waiting Shed designed by
Jan Estocado
Nanaqo designed by
Dazeleen Cai
Minor Minor Structure
Dazeleen Cai
As time progressed, I began to be fascinated by how Architecture could affect one’s daily life, our emotion, and behavior. We spend most of our time in buildings that’s why we should enrich our experience and enhance the life that takes place in it. Linking relationship between any building and the surrounding environment to make use of space, in order to expand people’s experiences and to meet their needs. People’s responses to their environment can transform through translation of aesthetics into a functionally efficient design. It is relevant to satisfy not only aesthetic criteria but also, criteria of utility and practical function. And I believe that design is more than just creating an aesthetic object, it’s about comprehension of who the project is for. Whether the design is for a single person or a whole community, my design must seek to comprehend how it can solve, benefit and relate to who it’s designed for.
Throughout this term, our professor believed three is the “magic number” of architecture. Collaboration, creativity, and challenge are the three words that would serve as my basis for how I will approach any design situation.