Project proposal
Project Synopsis
In the aftermath of a months-long siege, the city of Marawi was left devastated, with a huge number of lives lost, and many residents displaced. With its built environment severely ruined and levelled into ashes, livelihood has come to a standstill, which poses a major challenge. In our proposal, we focus on livelihood restoration and providing room for innovation, which not only assures that people are presented a chance to return to their former economic activities and way of life, but also allow them to explore the possibilities and have a restored confidence and pride of place in their city, with newfound importance.
Problem Identification
Lost properties and livelihood
Lack in promotion of traditional Maranao art & design products
Marawi City is constantly struggling to maintain their source of income after the war
Project Rationale
The Maranao are known to be hardworking entrepreneurs, for their handmade designs, and for having homegrown businesses. The purpose of this project is to be able to regain their lost economic capabilities, strengths, and resources, and subsequently help in building a better and stronger Marawi. It will highlight products/crafts that speak and represent Marawi’s rich heritage. Their traditional knowledge is what makes them unique. It reflects Marawi's interests and identity that should be also passed from generation to generation even after the devastation.
Scope and limits
The scope of this project covers livelihood rehabilitation activities being envisaged for the year 2020, which encompass production, service, and entrepreneurial activities. This will showcase products produced by Maranao craftsmen and assist entrepreneurs from the conflict-ridden area and bring them to the public market. In addition, it will not only push for the recognition of their skills, but promote their rich traditions, heritage and art. Our project proposal may be limited on financial aid but this proposal can help architecturally.
Project Objectives
To reinvigorate economic life so locals can get back to supporting themselves and their homegrown businesses
To showcase local artisanal prowess & promote the growth and relevance of the traditional production sector
To implement an active space for business and livelihood
To push for Marawi’s position in the region as a source of quality locally-made goods and design, as well a good place for trade in the region
Project Strategies
Adopt proven strategies, motifs, and practices most relevant, familiar, or connected to Maranao interest, particularly the profound influence of Islamic culture and design
Integrate the processes and standards involved in manufacturing / production into the design of the space/s to be used
Provide a market district, in addition to manufacturing/production and living spaces, that will support the flow and distribution of goods
Whilst retaining structures important to local collective memory, the project shall encourage that contemporary structures be made so as to fit in with modern standards and exhibit Marawi’s will to keep up and grow
The creation of a district that pays attention to, and showcases Maranao livelihood will help create jobs and opportunities that will prompt newfound growth.